Aural attachment
Project financed by the FINANCIARTE program of
the Nuevo León Council for Culture and the Arts
the Nuevo León Council for Culture and the Arts
The first experiences we have of the world are what we hear when we are still in the womb.
Sociologist Anne Karpf says that when mothers talk they create an emotional and physical bond with the fetus.
Sociologist Anne Karpf says that when mothers talk they create an emotional and physical bond with the fetus.
Is it possible that this attachment will continue throughout our lives?
For this project, 50 voice comparisons were made, not with the intention of making
a conclusive quantitative analysis, but with the goal of expanding aural awareness and perception.
Apart from the people who actively participated in the project by sending audios,
many others contacted me to show their interest, but were frightened by the possibility
that their partners had vocal similarities with their respective mothers.